Sunday, May 11, 2008

GIFT and girlfriends

Two springs ago, a small group of acquaintances began to gather monthly for prayer. Since that time, one has had a baby, one has gotten engaged and both have moved out of the area. On this birthday of the church, I reflect on the impact these women in community have had on me and my growing faith. We have shared prayers, tears, stories, pain, as well as joyful blessings. Each of these women have become a part of my being, of my story, of my future.
The Creator has blessed me with these relationships and through this community, my faith has grown.
I offer this blog to invite the stories of others whose faith has grown through a community such as this. Faith stories know no bounds of denomination or religious tradition. Faith, as I define it, is the irrational belief in a power greater than one's own. I have found that sharing stories of faith deepens the faith of the sharer, the hearer and the community. It is for this purpose alone that I seek others' stories of irrational belief....stories of the power of an unknown presence.
Your story is valued...ready whenever you are.